«Let’s explore opportunities»


Next Level Coaching


At dr. marc buergi COACHING+CONSULTING we aim at establishing sustainable long-term relationships with clients, partners, team members and other stakeholders. Our interaction is based on realistic propositions, transparent communication, creative solutions, fair compensation, and learning opportunities for all parties involved in challenging assignments.

We ensure upmost integrity and confidentiality. What is discussed in our conversations stays between clients and coach. Following the highest standards, you decide who you inform about our collaboration, we keep absolute discretion.


Professional coaching addresses process consultation with a focus on the professional context. We support the issues and goals of our clients, as well as the whole person.

We partner for the goals and the process with our clients, who we see as experts for their issues, as well as for their solutions. As coach we offer support with questions, experiments, and other interventions, to choose from and on par with our caching partners.

We agree on terms and conditions in a coaching contract, and clarify roles, responsibilities, possibilities, and limitations, notably also with sponsors of the services.

The foundation of our work is based on a humanistic, pragmatic, and performance-oriented position, with democratic, positive, and liberating values.


As an accredited and certified member, I pledge to the ethical and professional standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the leading professional coaching body in the world, and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), the European body for excellent coaching standards.

Know your Expert

How to find the right Coach?

Anyone can claim to be a coach, since the title is not yet protected as for lawyers or medical doctors in contrast. However, there are known criteria to distinguish the quality of a service proposition:

Ultimately, the decision is based on your judgement. This sets the foundation for a trustful relationship, which is fundamental to success in coaching. Take your time to consider and also rely on your intuition. And if your first choice turns out not to be quite right, don’t worry and try with a different coach.


Services at a glance

Next Level
Leadership Coaching

Next Level
Team Coaching

Next Level
Coach Education


External View – Your Benefit

In Coaching we know from experience, that a neutral «outside» perspective can generate new questions which lead to innovations. By uncovering blind spots, deep carved behavioural patterns and organisational blindness, new opportunities can be discovered in a creative way.

Assessment Tools

Matching, Performance & Personality

In respect to the issues and questions at hand, assessment tools and psychometric tests can add a further perspective for reflection.

Let’s talk

Any questions about my services or would you like to receive an offer with details on my pricing?